I’m not sure how the idea entered my head, but I decided to make mini-quiches as a side for this year’s Thanksgiving. I made three kinds, all of which had cheese in them; therefore, those weren’t vegan. Simply omit the cheese and, voila, fully vegan quiches.
The three varieties I made were:
- Spinach, onion and mozzarella
- Mushroom and cheddar
- Black olive and feta
The basics of these are
- 3/4 cup of Bisquik
- 3/4 cup of soy milk
- 3/4 cup of my recipe vegan egg substitute

Whisk these together in a bowl, along with the seasonings of your choice. I can’t provide measurements for those which I used here, as I cook by sense of smell. As far as which ones I use, that would be garlic powder, onion powder and black pepper. I also used some dried parsley in the spinach ones, and some zaatar (a Mediterranean mix of seasonings) in the black olive ones.
Spoon the mixture into a non-stick mini-muffin baking tray. I topped these with more cheese and Louisville Jerky vegan bacon bits. The latter was good enough to fool my Dad, who asked aloud why a vegetarian would put bacon in something.
Bake for roughly an hour in an oven-preheated to 400 degrees. Afterward, let cool for a half-hour before eating.
These finger food items feel evil while being deceptively healthy. They are relatively quick and easy to make, and keep for a few days in the fridge. Perfect for holiday get-togethers.