Movie: Laws of Attraction (2004)

One of my favorite short stories is The Jane Fonda Room by Jonathan Carroll.  In that story, the newest resident of hell selects from a list of possible punishments “The Movie Room”.  Jane Fonda is his favorite actress and so he will be shown her entire filmography.  And then the entire series of movies again.  […]

Movie: Waxwork II: Lost in Time (1992)

Waxwork surprised me by being better than I anticipated, so I was curious why it only has one sequel.  After all, many deeply terrible horror movies have spawned seemingly endless progeny.  I don’t feel I need to see Witchcraft to tell you it isn’t worthy of the sixteen installments that series has to date. 1992’s […]

Movie: Johnny Stool Pigeon (1949)

William Castle is largely remembered for the horror movies he directed in the 1950’s.  To be more accurate, he’s legendary for the gimmicks he employed in select theatres for some of his features.  Things like the buzzers under the seats for The Tingler, or a skeleton on a wire flying over viewers’ heads at a […]

Movie: Who? (1974)

Man, I am getting tired of movies subverting my expectations.  I keeping throwing in a movie I think will be awesome and it sucks.  Get myself ready to laugh at a film that looks to be hilariously bad, and it will end up actually being good. Such is the case with 1974’s Who?  I mean, […]

Movie: Singapore (1947)

As soon as I saw the title card for 1947’s Singapore, I had the same-titled opening track from the Tom Waits album Raindogs in my head.  I’ve always hoped I will someday see a noir with a vibe like that astounding track, but I only see ones that have traces of its greatness.  Unfortunately, what […]


Everybody knows that song about how the hip bone is connected to the thigh bone, and so on.  It wasn’t until I had been practicing yoga for a while that I realized how much truth is in that. Following surgery on my face recently, I started to experience intense discomfort from my glutes through my […]

Movie: One Million B.C. (1940)

First off: this isn’t that prehistoric film Hammer made in the 60’s, where Rachel Welch famously wears that fur bikini.  That was One Million Years B.C.  Just wanted to get that out of the way. 1940’s One Million B.C. comes to us courtesy of Hal Roach, a guy better remembered for his work with Harold […]

Movie: The Town (2010)

It’s hard to believe Affleck is from Boston, because his Baws-tawn accent in 2010’s The Town sounds so fake to my ears.  That’s unfortunate, because he is the star of the picture.  It’s also strange, since he was directing himself. He’s not a bad director, actually.  His pictures so far have not had any distinct […]

Movie: Suddenly, Last Summer (1959)

Every time somebody says the title of Suddenly, Last Summer in the 1959 film, I suddenly can’t get that song by 80’s band The Motels out of my head.  Go figure, those words get spoken about 10 times or so over the course of the film. This movie pairs Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor, who […]

Movie: Grave of the Vampire (1972)

When writer and director David Chase discusses his life’s accomplishments, I’m sure he talks mostly about The Sopranos.  Maybe he occasionally touches on The Rockford Files or Kolchak: The Night Stalker.  But I suspect he rarely, if ever, talks about his first movie screenplay, for 1972’s Grave of the Vampire. This is an odd movie.  […]

Movie: Topper (1937)

I need to learn to temper my expectations.  It seems every time I think a screwball comedy will be amazing, I find myself experiencing varying degrees of disappointment.  Such is the case with 1937’s Topper. As this stars Cary Grant, I am stunned this couldn’t be anything less than amazing.  But that’s because I keep […]