Movie: Cellar Dweller (1987)

Given the choice, I think I would often choose to see a movie that does something different and doesn’t quite succeed instead of watching one that does nothing I haven’t seen before while doing it extremely well. That’s how I would summarize my feelings so far about Arrow Video’s blu-ray set Enter the Video Store: […]

Movie: The Seventh Grave (1965)

I had a weird moment of confusion while watching the beginning of 1965’s The Seventh Grave, as a found myself thinking about the 1990’s puzzle-mystery CD-rom game The Seventh Guest.  Typical of such games of the era, which was one of those things set in a creepy mansion on a dark and stormy night.  These […]

Mix: State of the band union

For whatever reason, I am fascinated by songs about the experience of being a recording artist, especially those addressing frustrations toward the industry. When they are autobiographical, I consider these “state of the band union” songs, the public airing of an artist’s grievances. I’m surprised there aren’t more such songs, as that would seem to […]

Movie: Outside the Wall (1950)

I don’t know much about Richard Basehart except for a recurring gag on Mystery Science Theatre 3000 where Gypsy, one of the bots, is obsessed with him.  Not sure why she’s obsessed with this actor, only that I was reminded of this while watching him in 1950’s Outside the Wall. Basehart is a man who […]

Movie: Claydream (2021)

I love all forms of animation, especially the various forms of stop-motion.  So I am familiar with the work of Will Vinton and his trademark Claymation process.  I hold him in high regard for the quality of his work, even if there is consistently something I find a bit off-putting about it.  Something I can’t […]

Movie: Penny Serenade (1941)

I confess to being a soft touch, despite being such a cynic.  Some movies have moved me to tears, even when I realize I am being blatantly manipulated.  But my eyes stayed bone dry throughout the only time I intend to watch 1941’s Penny Serenade.  I found it to be an accurate title for something […]

Movie: Tower of London (1939)

You know you have reached an advance age when you see somebody in a film getting stretched on a medieval rack and you think about how great your aching back might feel after some time on that.  But that’s what I was thinking when Boris Karloff was subjecting some poor soul to this punishment in […]

Movie: Making Mr. Right (1987)

In a perfect world, Ann Magnuson would have had a long career of leading roles in movies while attracting a growing cult following for her musical endeavors.  Alas, neither of these things happened, though not for lack of trying.  I challenge anybody to see 1987’s Making Mr. Right and not wonder why they haven’t seen […]

Movie: Death Race 2000 (1975)

It isn’t often I find myself in direct opposition to an opinion Roger Ebert expressed in a review, yet I am stunned by how much he hated 1975’s Death Race 2000. I will sum up the plot for the unfamiliar.  In the future (well, 2000 was the future in 1975), America is under the thumb […]

Movie: The She-Creature (1956)

In 2014, Bill Nye debated creationism with Ken Ham, the founder of the Creation Museum in Kentucky.  I was disappointed when Nye agreed to that debate, as I thought it tarnished his reputation a bit.  It isn’t as if anything he could say would change Ham’s beliefs.  Despite being held in an auditorium, the whole […]

Movie: Dolls (1986)

Let’s face it: dolls are creepy.  I think this feeling is aptly summarized in one of the most beloved episodes of The X-Files, “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose”, where a psychic played by Peter Boyle gets weirded out by a murdered woman’s collection of dolls.  “Why did this woman collect dolls? What was it about her […]

Movie: That’ll Be the Day (1973)

A while back, I watched the David Essex vehicle Stardust from 1974.  Now here I am watching him in 1973’s That’ll Be the Day and I find myself writing things like “it feels like Stardust is a spiritual sequel to this earlier film”.  So, I was shocked to discover, though only after the fact, that […]