Author: placelogohere

Movie: Flashback (1980)

1990’s Flashback is the kind of action-comedy, mismatched buddies film that was so popular in the 80’s and early 90’s.  It even strongly recalls Midnight Run from just two years prior, where a clever and funny fugitive is paired with a straight-laced man tasked with bringing him to justice. This time, we have Dennis Hopper […]

Movie: The Face at the Window (1939)

After seeing six previous films in Powerhouse/Indicator’s Tod Slaughter box set, I didn’t think there was anything in 1939’s The Face at the Window which could surprise me.  And yet, a moment near the end caught me completely unaware.  It isn’t a big twist but that it had any surprises made me smile.  It was […]

Movie: The Magic Christian (1969)

Everybody has a favorite Beatle, but I hope we can agree the most likable is Ringo.  And while each of them went before the cameras at different times (whether separately or collectively), he seems to be the most natural.  Still, I doubt he would have been in film if it wasn’t for being a Beatle […]

Music: 90125 (Yes, 1983)

I blame the album cover.  Once I saw it as a kid, I knew I had to have a copy of this.  It was cold and clinical, and somehow a tad intimidating.  It definitely wasn’t warm and welcoming.  For possibly the first time, I was seeing something that was obviously put to paper without the […]

Movie: Last Train from Gun Hill (1959)

The most reprehensible commercial video game released has to be the Atari 2600 release Custer’s Revenge.  Despite the primitive graphics, it is still easy to tell the player controls an aroused man who tries to get across the screen to force himself on a Native American woman tied to a post.  Some reviewers of the […]

Movie: The Go-Go’s (2020)

A strange dichotomy concerns 80’s all-girl rock bands.  You can like both The Go-Go’s and The Bangles, but you’re going to like one of them more than the other.  What seems to surprise most people is the former started out as a punk band fully committed to that aesthetic.  People seem to think artists can’t, […]

Movie: Grace of My Heart (1996)

One of the best music box sets I own is Rhino’s four-CD Girl Group Sounds: One Kiss Can Lead to Another.  I already liked tracks by such groups before buying it, but I was largely aware only of Phil Spector’s productions.  This set greatly expanded by musical education. It was like radio from a parallel […]

Movie: Nightmare City (1980)

Record Store Day used to be a really big deal to me.  I still look forward to each new occurrence, but I no longer camp outside overnight like I used to.  For one memorable installment, my brother-in-law was there with me.  To pass the time, I brought a portable DVD player and he brought the […]

Motormouth Mix

This is an odd one. I found myself noticing more and more songs where a torrent of words go by quickly and wondered how many I could think of. The answer: not that many, so I augmented those selections with some spoken-word selections. “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I […]

Movie: Sexton Blake and the Hooded Terror (1938)

1938’s Sexton Blake and the Hooded Terror has the titular detective residing on Baker Street, and solving crimes with his bumbling assistant.  There’s also a middle-aged woman who cooks, cleans and fusses over him.  There’s even a Scotland Yard detective who has never bested Blake.  Any similarities to Sherlock Holmes are purely intentional. The film […]