Author: placelogohere

Movie: A Study in Terror (1965)

The first thing we see in 1965’s A Study in Terror–the very first frame–is of a woman’s feet as she treads a cobblestone road at night in crimson, high-laced shoes.  It is odd how much is telegraphed by that image, even to one who doesn’t know anything else about the movie they’re about see: this […]

Movie: The Quake (2018)

2015’s The Wave was a pleasantly surprising disaster-action export from Norway.  At its center was Kristoffer Joner as a geologist at a station where they monitor sensors in an unstable mountainside.  His intuition is stronger than the sensors, and his actions start residents of a nearby town evacuating before a landslide, and resulting tidal wave, […]

Movie: Remember the Night (1939)

It may appear I am excessively harsh to most movies I write about, but I really try to find something positive to say about each.  Then there’s movies I fall in love with, and I really can’t seem to shut up about those.  Such is the case with 1939’s Remember the Night. I liked Barbara […]

Movie: The Long Dark Hall (1951)

I’ll try to keep this review as short as the case for this blu-ray was thin.  I am starting to suspect UK distributor Network relegates to these cases the movies they know aren’t the jewels of their catalog. In this case, the movie is 1951’s The Long Dark Hall, a rather weak courtroom thriller.  Rex […]

Movie: Forbidden World (1982)

James Cameron demonstrated his ability to think on his feet early in his career when he textured the walls of a spaceships walls with grids of Styrofoam Big Mac containers which were then spray-painted.  That was for Galaxy of Terror, which was produced by Roger Corman.  As a man who always knew how to stretch […]

Movie: Jawbreaker (1999)

Heathers has a lot to answer for.  A few razor-sharp black comedies set in high school followed in its wake, but mostly we got cheap imitators like 1999’s Jawbreaker.  This is a movie that wants to be a biting satire, but it doesn’t have any bite.  Even worse, it isn’t very funny. The movie opens […]

The non-holiday December mix

I’m not big on Christmas music. It seems like my favorites of the genre are tracks I could listen to any time of the year. The rest of it is pure nostalgia, which may be my least favorite kind of sentiment. And, given how omnipresent that music is at this time of year, it is […]

Movie: The Truth About Spring (1965)

Disney live action movies have always been a curiosity to me.  In their heyday of the 1960’s and 1970’s, they always had a certain look them (usually vibrant and sunny) and had a stable of recurring actors (Hayley Mills, Kurt Russell).  They even seemed to operate within certain shared bounds, almost as if they were […]

Movie: The Krays (1990)

I once read an interview with Michael Hutchence where he was jokingly asked if he thought INXS could take Guns’n’Roses in fight.  I seem to recall he described them as “fucking pushovers”.  He was asked the same about UB40, and he was like, “no way.”  This planted the seed in my mind that, in general, […]

Movie: Another Man’s Poison (1951)

In 1950, Bette Davis and Gary Merrill found not just box-office and critical success with All About Eve, but also love.  One year later, the now husband and wife starred in the feature Another Man’s Poison.  Lightning did not strike a second time in any regard. This is a deeply artificial movie, essentially a play […]

Movie: Swamp Thing (1982)

Adrienne Barbeau is standing in waist-high swamp water after having just been rescued by a half-man, half-vegetable hybrid that is really a man in a rubber suit.  Though monstrous in appearance, this gentle giant obviously wants to help her further.  Instead, she dismisses him with a terse “SHOO!”, which is probably among the reactions I […]