I’ve noticed an increasing trend, especially with e-books, where the title tells you exactly what you’re going to get. I can’t imagine who would be looking for “A Forbidden Age Gap Surprise Baby Romance”, but you’re in luck in you are, as My Secret Daddy was apparently written for you. Then there’s the output of […]
Author: placelogohere
Movie: Positive I.D. (1986)
Every once in a while, I will encounter a picture I categorize as a “laserdisc movie”, even if I never owned a copy in that format. I apply this designation to movies of a kind that largely comprised the laserdisc library I once had, usually small indie films from the late 80s and early 90s, […]
Movie: Shadow of the Hawk (1976)
It is night, and a figure wearing a sheet and a pale mask is hovering outside the bedroom window of Jan-Michael Vincent. When this happened in 1976’s Shadow of the Hawk, my wife said to me, “I’d still be messed up if I saw this as a kid”. This made me recall a scene in […]
Movie: Hey There, It’s Yogi Bear (1964)
When I was a kid, I had a yellow teddy bear named Boo-Boo. I’m not sure why I named it that, as I don’t remember ever watching Yogi Bear, where Boo-Boo was the sidekick to the titular character. Still, I was curious when Warner Archive released a disc of 1964 movie Hey There, It’s Yogi […]
Movie: Rare Exports (2010)
The concept of Krampus has been absorbed into the popular consciousness for a few years now. I find that curious, despite being able to follow a trend leading through the decades up to this, starting with How the Grinch Stole Christmas in 1966. Really, this dark and cynical contemporary take on Santa is just an […]
Movie: An Adventure in Space and Time (2013)
There was a time when I hated Doctor Who and even now I kind of hate myself for enjoying it. I blame Tom Baker. The guy is just too damn likeable. I’m sure he has been the gateway drug to the series for a great many people. But it took a while to get into […]
Movie: Holiday Inn (1942)
It always surprises me when a movie as old as 1942’s Holiday Inn has a meta moment in it. It will be obvious to contemporary viewers the titular building is a set, both inside and out, despite supposedly being a farm in Connecticut. The surprising bit is near the end, when the set that is […]
Movie: The Bells of St. Mary’s (1945)
In Ingrid Bergman’s autobiography, she writes about how much she enjoyed filming 1945’s The Bells of St. Mary’s. She attributed that feeling to being able to eat as much ice cream as she wanted, as she is clad throughout the film in a nun’s habit. I suspect she exaggerated her increased size during this shoot, […]
Recipe: Vegan mini-quiches
I’m not sure how the idea entered my head, but I decided to make mini-quiches as a side for this year’s Thanksgiving. I made three kinds, all of which had cheese in them; therefore, those weren’t vegan. Simply omit the cheese and, voila, fully vegan quiches. The three varieties I made were: The basics of […]
Movie: A Disturbance in the Force (2023)
I was at a good age for Star Wars to have a huge impact on me when it was first released. Then again, I was in preschool, so I probably didn’t understand as much of it as I thought I did. But I vividly recall how much I loved my Boba Fett action figure. I […]
Movie: White Christmas (1954)
I’m not much of a Christmas person. It isn’t like I actively dislike the holiday. It isn’t like I have traumatic childhood memories associated with it. I actually like some music associated with the holiday, even some of the traditional fare. What I don’t like is the saccharine sweetness of so much Christmas entertainment. Much […]
Movie: Arthur Christmas (2011)
It has always been difficult to make a stellar Christmas movie, though that doesn’t keep studios from trying every year. Even in the earlier years of cinema, you had to sit through a lot of dreck around the holidays. The real miracle of the original Miracle on 34th Street is what an outstanding film that […]
Movie: Comfort and Joy (1984)
Bill Forsyth makes interesting movies. I doubt I would be able to tell a picture is one of his without knowing that in advance, but the ones I have seen so far have a humanity to them I greatly appreciate. There’s also a quirkiness that goes beyond expected human behavior but never crosses into anything […]
Movie: Christmas in Connecticut (1945)
I was recently shocked to discover how much I enjoyed 1939’s Remember the Night, which stars Barbara Stanwyck. This was allegedly a Christmas movie, though I believe it would be enjoyable any time of year. Six years later, Stanwyck was cast in a yet another Christmas screwball comedy, Christmas in Connecticut. The plot is a […]
Book: The Theory of Everything Else: A Voyage Into the World of the Weird (Dan Schreiber, 2023)
One of the books that had the greatest influence on my life was The Fringes of Reason: A Whole Earth Catalog. I discovered it in a tall stack of remaindered copies at a used book store chain in the early 1990’s. As stated in its introduction, it was a celebration of “strange beliefs and eccentric […]