Author: placelogohere

Movie: A Night in Casablanca (1946)

I was determined to avoid the news on the night of the presidential election of November 2024, and not check the results until after I awoke the next morning.  But I needed a distraction that night, and so I watched the 1946 Marx Brothers film A Night in Casablanca. No points for guessing where the […]

Movie: Suspect (1960)

If bronze statues are so hard to make look like the intended subject, why do people keeping making them?  As I write this, NBA star Dwayne Wade has been immortalized in that form, and the finished product looks uncannily closer to Kelsey Grammer. A similarly daft statue is unveiled at the research facility at the […]

Movie: Big Man on Campus (1989)

You should be wary of people who are interested in clock towers, especially those on college campuses.  One notorious example is 1966 sniper Charles Whitman, who committed his spree from the University of Texas’s clock tower.  1989’s Big Man on Campus is horrific but for entirely different reasons, as it has a hunchback who has […]

Movie: Evil of Dracula (1974)

1974’s Evil of Dracula is the last entry of Michio Yamamoto’s trilogy of Japanese gothic vampire films.  I could probably copy and paste much of what I wrote about the previous two and save myself some time. Once again, this is a film solidly in the European gothic style, having some degree of novelty just […]

Movie: Lake of Dracula (1971)

Despite having a couple of years of Japanese language instruction, I have retained extremely little of it today.  With that, I am always pleasantly surprised by how many words in my limited vocabulary I recognized in 1971’s Lake of Dracula.  Simple things like “daijobu” (I’m OK) or “wakarimashta” (I understood).  This might be a good […]

Movie: The Vampire Doll (1970)

When I discovered there was a blu-ray set with a trilogy of Japanese gothic vampire films, I knew I had to check this out.  While that country has a long, rich history of ghost stories, I was wondering what their spin on the European gothic tradition might be like.  Short answer: it is an odd […]

Movie: Freaks (1932)

There are some movies which, for one reason or another, are truly one-of-a-kind and of the likes we will never see again.  One such picture is the justifiably legendary Freaks.  This 1932 movie stars a variety of attractions from real-life freak shows.  While I can’t imagine ever going to such a carnival sideshow attraction in […]

Movie: Gorillas in the Mist (1988)

In 2016, the Cincinnati Zoo had a horrible tragedy where a child somehow got into the gorilla exhibit, irritating Harambe, a male silverback.  Fearing for the life of the child, zoo authorities fatally shot Harambe, and there was the resulting expected flurry of memes and impassioned discourse.  I don’t have an opinion as to whether […]

Movie: The Monster Squad (1987)

I’m baffled by movies which bring together famous fictional characters that would not normally be associated with each other.  An example which comes to my mind as such a failure is The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.   More successful, but still confusing to me, is 1987’s The Monster Squad. I had not seen it until 2024, […]

Movie: The Strange Case of Doctor Rx (1942)

Since the dawn of time, one of the existential questions which has puzzled humankind is who, exactly, let the dogs out.  In 2000, The Baha Men released an incredibly popular song concerning this philosophical brainteaser, not realizing the question had already been answered in 1942 horror B-movie The Strange Case of Doctor Rx.  In this […]