Movie: Step Down to Terror (1958)

If 1958’s Step Down to Terror seems familiar, it’s because it is supposedly a remake of Hitchcock’s Shadow of a Doubt.  That didn’t occur to me while I was watching it, but I was nagged by the feeling I had seen something very similar before. Charles Drake plays a man on the run who seeks […]

Movie: Vamp (1986)

I’m amazed by how much goodwill I feel towards every person who appeared in the Pee Wee’s Playhouse Christmas Special.  I have always respected Grace Jones, but I definitely became more aware of her from her bizarre appearance there.  And you can’t have Jones in something without capitalizing on the weirdness she exudes.  1986’s Vamp […]

Movie: Six Bridges to Cross (1955)

I couldn’t seem to stop thinking about 2010’s The Town while watching 1955 noir Six Bridges to Cross.  I think it is largely because both are crime pictures set in Boston and both use as a plot point the sudden closure of the city’s many bridges immediately after a heist. Aside from that development, the […]

Movie: Alone in the Dark (1982)

You’re wondering how they eat and breathe and other science facts Then repeat to yourself, “It’s just a show. I should probably relax.” That is sage advice I tried to keep in mind while watching 1982’s Alone in the Dark, but I simply couldn’t turn off my brain for a film I can’t believe I […]

Movie: The Night Runner (1957)

It’s odd film noir rarely addressed mental illness, as it feels like perfect fodder for the genre.  1957’s The Night Runner is an odd film concerning a recently released patient with a violent past.  At first, I thought the film would take a sympathetic approach to such people.  In the end, it instead suggests people […]

Movie: We Joined the Navy (1962)

I have never seen The Wackiest Ship in the Army, but I was thinking about the title of that movie before I started playing the disc for the 1962 feature We Joined the Navy.  This ended up being a light-hearted romp, but fairly intelligent for the first two acts, when I was thinking, “OK, not […]

Movie: Nope (2022)

Jordan Peele has made three fascinating features to date, though I admit I was reluctant to see the latest, 2022’s Nope.  For one thing, I thought his previous film, Us, had a great deal of potential that went largely unrealized.  Also, the media was quick to label this latest work as his “alien” film.  I […]

Movie: The Night Has Eyes (1942)

I’m depressed to learn about the recent demise of UK media distributor Network.  It seems we’re losing producers of physical media at a greater rate than new ones are forming.  Now that Network has ceased operations, I doubt anybody will pick up titles of theirs like 1942’s The Night Has Eyes.  This picture is simply […]