I wasn’t a drama kid in high school, nor did the acting bug bite me later. Given that, I am a bit confused by the only memory I have of a drama class I must have taken. In a complete lapse of judgment, the instructor left me to direct a scene of Arsenic and Old […]
Movie: The Thirteenth Hour (1947)
1947’s The Thirteenth Hour is the seventh entry of the Whistler series of B-picture noirs, and the last to star Richard Dix. In fact, this is the last film he would make, period, as he would not live much longer after it was completed. For those unfamiliar with this series, the title character is merely […]
Movie: Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974)
Was Peter Fonda in any movies in the 60’s or 70’s where he doesn’t spend a great deal of screen time driving a car or riding on a motorcycle? Off the top of my head, there’s Easy Rider and Race with the Devil. Then there’s 1974’s Dirty Mary Crazy Larry, where he drives a getaway […]
Movie: A New Leaf (1971)
Comedy and film legend Elaine May first achieved fame as a comedic duo with future The Graduate director Mike Nichols. Later, she was one of Hollywood’s most sought-after script doctors. She has also directed four feature films to date, writing three of those. One of those films completely astonished me, and it sure as hell […]
Movie: WNUF Halloween Special (2013)
What a strange time we live in, where it seems a great many otherwise sane people are so easily swayed into believing the craziest shit, usually from information posted on social media by somebody they don’t even know. I write this as we approach a presidential election which has me filled with outright fear, as […]
Movie: Secret of the Whistler (1946)
One interesting aspect of watching older features like 1946’s The Secret of the Whistler is how some things are regarded as weird enough to be newsworthy then are completely commonplace nowadays. In this case, it’s Mary Currier buying a tombstone for herself. This almost makes news when journalist Ray Walker goes to the funeral home […]
Movie: How to Frame a Figg (1971)
1971’s How to Frame a Figg was the last of the feature films Don Knotts starred in for Universal Pictures. He had an interesting run of five films for the studio, starting with The Ghost and Mr. Chicken, which many regard as the best of the lot. I didn’t find any of these films to […]
Movie: Elysium (2013)
When did we stop making movies set in the future that made it look like a better place than the present? I used to love movies with such a grim outlook back when that was the less popular view, such as how poorly Blade Runner was regarded in its initial release. Now, every film sci-fi […]
Movie: The Love God? (1969)
1969’s The Love God? is the only one of the five films on Shout Factory’s Don Knotts collection that is rated higher than a G. I was very surprised to see it is rated PG-13. Now, having watched it, I’m even more surprised it is rated higher than a PG. Typical of the other films […]
Movie: The Devil’s Lover (1972)
As we learned from a legendary Monty Python sketch, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. I especially wouldn’t expect it in Italy, but yet there’s the mysterious red-hooded and black-cloaked figure in 1972’s The Devil’s Lover. At least, it sure looks like an Inquisitor. Instead, it is only the devil (Edmund Purdom) dressed as one—so, somebody […]
Movie: The Shakiest Gun in the West (1968)
While watching 1968’s The Shakiest Gun in the West, I couldn’t stop thinking about The Avalanches’s song “Frontier Psychiatrist”. It is a track made of all kinds of crazy samples, including one I’ve always wondered the source of, where a guy is saying, “and he made false teeth”. Don Knotts may not be a psychiatrist […]
Movie: The Destructors (1974)
When my father-in-law died, his eulogy included a mention of his cat Fang, which was short for “fangool”. There were ripples of laughter in the crowd of mourners, as many were in the know that this is Italian for “fuck you”. The only time I can recall hearing the word in a film is 1974’s […]
Movie: The Voice of the Whistler (1945)
The Voice of the Whistler is the fourth film in the Whistler series, where each film has a different theme. This time it is loneliness. In his opening narration, The Whistler introduces us to a woman who supposedly lives all alone in an abandoned lighthouse. But she’s holding some kittens and, let me tell you, […]
Movie: Obsession (1949)
I find it odd I wasn’t weirded out by Robert Newton keeping Phil Brown chained for weeks on end in an abandoned building. What I did find unnerving was the white line on the floor he had put down in advance, making the farthest Brown can reach. Not exactly sure why, but I was reminded […]
Movie: The Reluctant Astronaut (1967)
Parental expectations can be a cruel thing. Just look at WWI war veteran Arthur O’Connell and how he treats his son Don Knotts. His rearing of Knotts was apparently militaristic in nature, with him being literally marched around the house at his father’s command. Then he sends in an application to NASA for Knotts to […]