Category: Watching

Movie: Get Back (2021)

I have always struggled with the albums and films that resulted from The Beatles sessions first released as the album Let It Be. The making of the previous album The Beatles (everybody calls it The White Album) was nearly their undoing, as they largely recorded as four solo performers.  The idea behind the Let It […]

Movie: Significant Other (2022)

There’s so little I can say about 2022’s Significant Other, it feels almost pointless to write about it.  I’m worried that whatever I choose to single out from it may provide too many clues for new viewers.  And, yet, I’m going to give it my best shot.  We open on a static shot of a […]

Movie: Rope of Sand (1949)

“Copyblancas”: that’s the word I finally came up with for all the films that try and fail to recapture the magic of Casablanca.  1949’s Rope of Sand has that film’s Paul Henreid, Claude Rains and Peter Lorre.  It is also set in Africa; albeit, in South Africa this time.  Quite a bit of the action […]

Movie: Frieda (1947)

As soon as there’s an “us”, there’s a “them”.  The 1947 UK film Frieda is ostensibly about a German girl who weds an Englishman and faces the scorn of a great many common folk, each of whom probably believes they don’t have any biases.  Even those who acknowledge this bias within them seem to believe […]

Movie: Five (1955)

It is telling that nuclear holocaust films seemed to have been produced in the greatest number in the 50s and the 80s, two eras when the world felt especially close to that becoming a reality. 1955’s Five is, I believe, the earliest of this type of picture.  The core group of this is four, and […]

Movie: Kindred (2020)

I’ll keep it short for a change. 2020’s Kindred is a British thriller that is largely a variation on the setup of Rosemary’s Baby. That’s not to say this film is derivative—more like it will appeal to those who like that type of movie. Tamara Lawrence is a pregnant woman imprisoned in the house of […]

Movie: Brainstorm (1983)

I remember commercials for Brainstorm when I was a kid and wanting to see it.  I’m not sure why I wasn’t able to drag my parents to take me to a screening, nor why I never bothered to look for it in the intervening decades. But now I have seen it, and I’m glad I […]

Movie: The Outwaters (2022)

The Outwaters is, as of this writing, the latest found footage sensation.  It was written by, directed by and starring Robbie Banfitch, with his brother Scott co-starring.  Here is how I imagine the conversation went between them as they decided to make this film… Robbie: “Waaaasuuuuup!” Scott: “ Waaaaasuuuuuuup!” “Dude, I have this bitchin’ idea!” […]

Movie: The Brain From Planet Arous (1957)

I love Futurama, and one of my most favorite scenes in the series involves a character asking a giant, diabolical, floating brain questions only an eternal being can answer.  One question is “what really killed the dinosaurs?”, in reply to which the brain bellows “MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”.  Cut to giant floating brains zapping dinosaurs with lightning bolts. […]

Movie: Flaming Ears (1992)

As a middle-aged, suburban, CIS man, I’m probably not going to be the best judge of a highly-experimental, post-apocalyptic, super lo-fi, lesbian film.  Lest you think my description of 1992’s Flaming Ears is less than objective, this is the description of the movie from the site of its US distributor: “Super-8 DIY filmmaking at its […]

Movie: She Will (2021)

I often stumble upon movies through a bizarre series of circumstances.  Often, I find my process is like a river, with one movie leading to another through circuitous routes. So I ended up seeing 2021’s She Will because I recently saw Alice Krige in 1980’s Ghost Story and realized I haven’t seen her in anything […]

Movie: Quatermass 2 (1957)

Two years after Hammer Studios made the feature film of The Quatermass Xperiment, they made this sequel.  Wisely opting to not take any chances, the sequel has nearly the same people behind the camera, and at least one very important cast member reappearing in front of it. Brian Donlevy again portrays the titular professor.  In […]

Movie: Atlantic City (1980)

There’s a large sign on a building that could either be in the process of being remodeled or prepared for demolition.  Given what we have seen so far of Atlantic City in 1980, good money would be on the latter.  The sign reads “Atlantic City you’re back on the map.  Again”.  First, there’s the wording, […]