Category: Watching

Movie: The Limey (1999)

“You’ve told me this story before” That line is spoken by the 20-something arm candy of Peter Fonda’s character.  “But I don’t mind if you tell it to me again.” This is a pretty apt summary of my feelings about The Limey, Steven Soderbergh’s 1999 movie that shows us a story we seen in many […]

Movie: Dancer In The Dark (2000)

A Lars von Trier musical starring Bjork. Let’s parse that summary to show why Dancer In The Dark should be approached with some trepidation.  If there is one thing I can say about the entirety of von Trier’s filmography, that would be it is provocative. Other than that, there are few consistencies to his work.  […]

Movie: The Velvet Underground (2021)

I cannot overstate how important the band The Velvet Underground has been in my life. Almost immediately upon my first exposure to them, I strongly identified with a perceived artistic truth and purity in their music.  Something deeply resonated with me despite having never done illegal drugs or engaged in any less-than-conventional lifestyle choices.  On […]