Author: placelogohere

A note on IRS form 1040

Please take note of the following change from previous years’ version of the 1040 form. If the past, taxpayers have been asked if they wish to contribute $3 to the Presidential Election Fund. This is no longer an option. Instead, taxpayers will be asked if they wish to donate to a different, though equally important […]

Movie: Hysteria (1997)

1997’s Hysteria is the kind of movie which I feel justifies my purchases of cheap discs at places like Hamilton Books.  If it hadn’t been for seeing this bluray in one of their monthly drops, I like would never have been aware of this title.  And this is a deeply weird, thought-provoking film I’m glad […]

Movie: The Cleansing Hour (2019)

It has long been difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff on Shudder, especially when their original content is concerned.  I intermittently subscribe for a month or so, eventually run out of promising things to watch that I don’t already have on disc, and end my subscription again.  I joined the service again recently […]

Movie: I Am a Camera (1955)

There are movies where I despise the main characters and wish they were instead about one of more of the secondary characters.  1955’s I Am a Camera is such a film. Oh, how I wish we could have followed the German couple played by Shelley Winters and Anton Diffring.  Instead, I found myself stuck with […]

Movie: Evilspeak (1981)

Supernatural forces using modern technology rarely works for me.  Not sure why as, if I can believe a demon in a movie can communicate through a Ouija board, it isn’t much of a leap to have them manipulate computers and cell phones. In 1981’s Evilspeak, Clint Howard uses an Apple II to decipher an ancient […]

Recipe: Twice-Baked Mashed Potatoes

Yep, that title is correct. I am asked to make my mashed potatoes for every family get-together because these babies are made from potatoes that are quartered and oven-baked before being mashed. Then they are covered with cheese and baked a second time. As decadent as it sounds, though there are many aspects of this […]

Movie: Relic (2020)

Horror isn’t just the inexplicable and terrifying happening to one person, it is also the effect on those who care about them.  Secondhand suffering, if you will.  In some movies, what happens to those concerned about another is worse than what is experienced by the one directly impacted. Consider The Exorcist: at the end, Linda […]

Movie: The Midnight Story (1957)

Oof.  This may be the most daft film noir I actually enjoyed. The movie begins with a priest getting stabbed to death in a dark alley.  Tony Curtis was a ward of the orphanage the priest ran.  Now a motorcycle cop, Curtis presses his superiors to let him go undercover to investigate a hunch he […]

Movie: Resurrection (2022)

“Sadists never understand why nobody else is enjoying his sadism as much as he is.” We are only a few minutes into the 2022’s Resurrection when Rebecca Hall delivers this line.  It is obvious her character was at some point on the receiving end of such behavior, as she is trembling with barely restrained rage. […]

Movie: Heartbreakers (2001)

Heartbreakers stars Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt as mother and daughter con artists. The mother ropes wealthy men into marriage, the daughter then seduces the new husbands into compromising positions where they will be discovered by the mother, and the duo walks away with large settlements. Hewitt longs to set out on her own, […]

Movie: Outside The Law (1956)

Most of the movies later labeled as film noirs were made simply to fill the second slot of a double bill.  They were made on the cheap and were expected to deliver a moderate amount of satisfaction, at best. Outside The Law may be the most average noir I have seen so far.  It is […]

Movie: My Science Project (1985)

1985’s My Science Project is one of the most 80’s movies I have seen.  It may seem strange I haven’t seen it until now but I don’t have any nostalgia for an era I grew up in. John Stockwell stars as a gearhead who won’t graduate high school if he doesn’t deliver his project for […]

Movie: Cradle Will Rock (1999)

Most of the fictional works I have seen from an extreme right-wing point of view have been risible.  In general, it seems the left-wing makes better entertainment.  And, yet, when an ostensibly hard-left work faceplants, it seems to fail harder than their counterparts on the other end of the political spectrum.  Which is why 1999’s […]

Movie: Bugsy Malone (1976)

I have long been aware of 1976’s all-kids gangster musical Bugsy Malone and now, having finally seen it, I just have a few lingering questions.  One of these is “What the fuck?”.  Another question is “What the fuck?”.  OK, I have a long list of questions and they’re all “What the fuck?” But, really, why […]