Author: placelogohere

Movie: Another Man’s Poison (1951)

In 1950, Bette Davis and Gary Merrill found not just box-office and critical success with All About Eve, but also love.  One year later, the now husband and wife starred in the feature Another Man’s Poison.  Lightning did not strike a second time in any regard. This is a deeply artificial movie, essentially a play […]

Movie: Swamp Thing (1982)

Adrienne Barbeau is standing in waist-high swamp water after having just been rescued by a half-man, half-vegetable hybrid that is really a man in a rubber suit.  Though monstrous in appearance, this gentle giant obviously wants to help her further.  Instead, she dismisses him with a terse “SHOO!”, which is probably among the reactions I […]

Movie: The Frightened City (1961)

It’s hard to believe there was a time before Sean Connery was the fully fledged icon he would become.  The first James Bond film was just around the corner when he made 1961’s The Frightened City, and it is interesting to see how much progress he would make between the two pictures. The most notable […]

Movie: Brainscan (1994)

Edward Furlong should have gone on to great things following 1991’s T2.  Instead, that movie may have had a touch of the jinx of the Star Wars movies, as those largely did little for the actors in them that didn’t already have established careers.  In case you haven’t noticed it, nobody has been clamoring to […]

Movie: Vinyl Nation (2020)

The documentary Vinyl Nation opens at Mills Record Company of Kansas City, before the doors open for another year’s observance of Record Store Day.  As a vinyl enthusiast myself, I have celebrated this, the highest of the High Vinyl Holy Days, most years.  I even camped out for 24 hours a couple of times, to […]

Movie: FM (1978)

Atari had a hot tub in its headquarters back in the 1970’s.  It was openly available to employees and they were encouraged to use it.  Every time this topic surfaces in books or documentaries about the company, shenanigans are alluded to but are mercifully never detailed.  For whatever reason, I was reminded of this for […]

Movie: The Boy with Green Hair (1948)

Isn’t it great how a movie, an album or a book can come along and completely subvert your expectations?  Going into 1948’s The Boy with Green Hair, I thought it would be incredibly goofy, or at least have a sci-fi element to it.  Instead, this sweetly good-natured tale is a plea for compassion and understanding.  […]

Movie: Cube (2021)

Remakes are always a dicey proposition, especially when you’re remaking 1997 sleeper cult title Cube, where the first person we saw was quickly and cleanly diced by a trap.  I wouldn’t have thought there would be any reason for a Japanese reworking of the material.  If anything, I thought a J-horror version would have a […]

Movie: The Sacred Symbol (1984)

One more film…just one more film… Watching the many movies on the Ormond Family box set has been a fascinating journey, while often being a bit of a slog—especially in the religious half of the set.  If I hadn’t been taking notes during each movie, I would never have been able to remember what happens […]


Like most people my age, I used to make a great many mixtapes, back when these were on cassette and so were truly mixtapes.  I welcomed the age of being able to burn compact discs in a computer, enabling easier mix creation and duplication.  I think it’s funny how few people have any equipment to […]

Movie: Peking Express (1951)

The World Health Organization recently identified aspartame as a potential carcinogen.  It seems weird they may soon be trying to take away my wife’s Diet Coke.  I know I’m not going to try to intervene.  The ending of 1951’s Peking Express has Joseph Cotten’s WHO doctor mowing down Chinese counterrevolutionaries with a machine gun.  I […]

Movie: Squaring the Circle (2022)

“Vinyl is the poor man’s art collection.”  This remarkable statement appears to have been coined by Noel Gallagher of Oasis fame, however unlikely it seems to me he could ever come up with anything that clever. There’s a lot of truth in that statement, regardless of who said it first.  I know I have been […]