Author: placelogohere

Movie: Images (1972)

Cathryn Harrison must have had a curious upbringing.  In her teenage years, she starred in two deeply weird movies: Louis Malle’s Black Moon and Robert Altman’s Images.  She was also in the Donovan-starring The Pied Piper, which had to the most traumatic of those films to make.  At least, it is the most traumatic to […]

Movie: The Killing Box (1993)

When I first saw a blu-ray listing for 1993’s The Killing Box, I was more than a bit confused.  It isn’t that weird nowadays to have a movie where, during the civil war, both sides find themselves facing a common enemy of undead confederate soldiers. What did surprise me is the cast for this.  Really, […]

Movie: Reign of Fire (2002)

I remember the first time I saw 2002’s Reign of Fire, as I was hoping it would be as laughably bad as it looked.  I mean, just look at this plot, set in a future after an apocalypse brought on by dragons which had been unleashed from deep within the earth during a subway tunnel […]

Movie: The Teckman Mystery (1954)

Wendy Toye was a rarity, a woman directing features in mid-century Britain.  Unfortunately, women are still vastly in the minority among studio directors today, but that does seem to be improving. She started doing short films, among them the exceptional The Stranger Left No Card.  Unfortunately, few offers to helm features were forthcoming.  When they […]

Movie: Assault on a Queen (1966)

In 1966’s Assault on a Queen, you’ll see Frank Sinatra as you’ve never seen him before: as one of those goofy deep-sea diver figurines some people put at the bottom of an aquarium.  I was just disappointed his objective wasn’t one of those tiny treasure chests where the lid occasionally opens, with a burst of […]

Hot Summer Morning

Hard to say what I was going for with this mix. I found myself identifying more and more songs as ones I associate specifically with hot summer mornings. More than a few are literally about getting up or which take place in the morning. “Out Of My Head” by Sun 60 This is one of […]

Movie: I Like Bats (1986)

Like the central character of 1986’s I Like Bats, I also like those mammals, and feel they are unfairly maligned.  Just look at the bodies, sans those leathery wings, and they’re a bit like small dogs.  The opening credits roll over one eating some sort of fruit, possibly an orange, and it is adorable. Still, […]

Movie: Buried Alive (1990)

I have been trying in vain to find a list of neo-noir films that either were originally intended for cable television or the video market and which instead found theatrical distribution, or vice-versa.  I’m not having any luck with that, but I wondered if 1990’s Buried Alive was ever shown theatrically, despite being made for […]

Movie: Appointment with Danger (1950)

For a couple of months, I once worked at a post office distribution facility as auxiliary seasonal help.  It was deeply horrible experience.  I was routinely called a “scab”.  One time, I had a manager tell me to move a cart, but I was immediately advised by a co-worker, “You’ll get hurt if you move […]

Movie: Night Tide (1961)

The back cover of the blu-ray for 1961’s Night Tide puts this indie horror film in such storied company as Night of the Living Dead and Carnival of Souls.  Both of those films have been inducted into the Criterion Collection.  This one hasn’t, and I don’t believe it has any chance of doing so.  Maybe […]

Movie: The Blue Lamp (1950)

I’m always fascinated by star quality, that elusive aspect of an actor that makes them stand out from the rest of the crowd.  The person who, in a frame otherwise filled with people, will have you going, “Hey, what is that person there doing?”  Dirk Bogarde would eventually have this, but doesn’t quite yet in […]

Movie: Hold Back Tomorrow (1955)

I may love Kino’s noir sets, but they sometimes stretch the definition of that genre until it almost breaks.  Such is the case with 1955’s Hold Back Tomorrow.  It may be in the black and white, it may take place almost entirely within a prison cell, but I would never describe it as noir. This […]