Author: placelogohere

Movie: At the Earth’s Core (1976)

I keep thinking of steampunk as an annoying genre that only appeared in the past couple of decades, and then I remember it is actually a very old style, going back to the works of Jules Verne.  Other authors also dabbled in it, such as Edgar Rice Burroughs, whose silly At the Earth’s Core was […]

Movie: Smooth Talk (1985)

There are many things one should never say to those they love.  1985’s Smooth Talk has such an example, and I have never heard a line quite like this before: “I look in your eyes and all I see are trashy daydreams.”  This is what Mary Kay Place says to her teenaged daughter, Laura Dern […]

Movie: You Never Can Tell (1951)

I think it is strange so many people seem to believe animals have souls and that there is a Heaven for them.  Does that apply to everything that has lived?  Will there be spiders in animal heaven?  In that case, I have sent a great many to their heavenly reward.  What about plants?  They’re all […]

Movie: Down Terrace (2009)

One of my favorite films of this century so far is Kill List, a brutal and still fresh take on folk horror.  That was director Ben Wheatley’s second feature.  His debut was 2009’s Down Terrace, and it is a different film in a great many ways. The most significant difference is this is in another […]

Movie: The Leopard Man (1943)

Most horror movies treat murder victims in a trivial way.  Consider slasher films, which usually provide little background for those who only seem to exist so they can die horribly. 1943’s The Leopard Man takes a different, though rather bizarre, tact.  This is a film which seems to keep forgetting to follow its leads (Dennis […]

Movie: Satan’s Cheerleaders (1977)

I’m finally starting to notice that books on fringe cinema, in combination with blu-ray sales, have resulted in some unfortunate additions to my movie library.  First, I read P.J. Thorndyke’s excellent Satan in the Celluloid: 100 Satanic and Occult Horror Movies of the 1970s, then there was a Target 3-for-2 sale, and so I came […]

Movie: Bad Day at Black Rock (1955)

Never underestimate a one-armed man.  For example, nobody believed Richard Kimble in The Figutive when he tries to convince them such a man murdered his wife.  I’m not exactly sure what the singularly limbed guy in Twin Peaks is all about, but he’s pretty creepy. Ernest Borgnine is a thug in a very small desert […]

Movie: Eye of the Devil (1966)

1966’s Eye of the Devil is a curious film.  It anticipates the folk horror genre which would only kick into gear a few years later.  It has the feel of Polanski’s workaround that time. Strangely, he is two degrees of separation away from this production, at best, as his future wife Sharon Tate is in […]